Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2005. V. 8, N 1. P. 019-024.
Application of the method of projective representations
to the analysis of exciton-phonon transitions
in enantiomorphous tetragonal crystals ZnP2 and CdP2
Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Department of Physics
2, prospect Academician Glushkov, 03022 Kyiv, Ukraine
Phone: +38 (067) 465-64-18
Abstract. The projective representations of the wavevector group were applied to the
analysis of exciton-phonon transitions in enantiomorphous tetragonal crystals ZnP2 and
CdP2. Selection rules for indirect transitions were derived. Using pk
rr -method, the
different points in the Brillouin zone were examined to identify zero slopes and
extremums of the dispersion curves kE )(
r . Photoluminescence and edge absorption
polarized spectra were interpreted taking into account the results of above theoretical
Keywords: projective representations, exciton-phonon transitions, α-ZnP2, CdP2.