Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2005. V. 8, N 1. P. 100-105.

Quadric hologram-based self-conjugation of vortex beams
P.V. Polyanskii, Ch.V. Felde

Chernivtsi National University, 2, Kotsyubinsky str., 58012 Chernivtsi, Ukraine Phone/fax: +3 803722 44730 E-mail:

Abstract. Self-conjugation of singular (vortex) beams by a static nonlinearly recorded hologram is reported. Diagnostics of phase-conjugated vortices is implemented using an original technique based on Young’s model of diffraction phenomena. It has been shown that the phase-conjugated vortex is characterized by the same topological charge as the vortex reversed through four-wave degenerate mixing being different in sign from the vortex reflected by a common mirror.

Keywords: singular optics, optical vortices, optical phase conjugation, quadric hologram, edge diffraction wave, Young’s interference experiment.

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