Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2010. V. 13, N 1. P. 103-109.
Formation of blisters in thin metal films
on lithium niobate implanted by keV Ar+ ions
1 V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NAS of Ukraine
41, prospect Nauky, 03028 Kyiv, Ukraine; phone: +380(44) 525-6205; fax: +380(44) 525-5430
Abstract. Bubble-like and crater-like blisters were observed at the boundaries of the
structures “thin Ni film–lithium niobate” and “thin Pd film–lithium tantalate” implanted
by Ar+ ions. Analyses of these systems by AFM and SEM have shown that ion
implantation essentially modifies near-surface structures with changing their optical,
electrical and mechanical properties. Differences in the optical properties and surface
structure between implanted and non-implanted systems are observed and explained by
different properties of materials, widening interface “film–substrate” as well as by other
known effects and phenomena. Enhanced adhesion of these films to substrate,
nonselective spectral response is a base for effective and perspective application of the
systems in development of high-sensitive pyroelectric detectors with a wide spectral
range and high optical damage threshold.
Keywords: lithium niobate, ion implantation, thin films, pyroelectric photodetectors.