Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2011. V. 14, N 1. P. 012-020.
An intrinsic physical content of “single photon power” − (hν⋅Δν)
V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NAS of Ukraine
41, prospect Nauky, 03028 Kyiv, Ukraine
Abstract. Considered in this paper is the possibility to use information properties of
photon noise inherent to thermal radiation. Using the calculations of threshold limitations
for detecting the fluctuations of thermal radiation as a signal and not disturbances only,
we have adduced some arguments concerning the phenomenological content of the
“power of a single photon” qΔν ≡ hν⋅Δν not defined earlier, where the frequency band Δν
is determined by an observation spectral slit. It has been shown that a non-traditional
view of “photonic noise” determined by this factor appears in relation with the
fluctuations of the photon flux at the observation spectral slit. With definite measurement
parameters, this kind of noise is capable to append some essential points to classical
models of photon noises and even block access to measurements of fluctuations in the
power of thermal radiation. Also adduced are supplementary considerations concerning
the existing models of arising shot noise at the photodetector output as a result of
physical-and-statistical specificity of the electron excitation process and its kinetics.
Offered is a model for a background radiator, which allows us performing the numerical
calculations with the use of the specific parameters of the background structure.
Keywords: thermal radiation, photon noise, fluctuations, power of a single photon.