Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2011. V. 14, N 1. P. 077-079.
On Raman spectra of water, its structure
and dependence on temperature
Institute of Physics, NAS of Ukraine
46, prospect Nauky, 03028 Kyiv, Ukraine
Raman spectra of water within the temperature range 20 to 3 C were
investigated. Best of all, the complex shape of the obtained spectra was approximated by
four (or five) Gaussian-shaped peaks with their positions 3070, 3230, 3440, 3600 (and
3650) cm –1 . The most intensive constituents were 3230 and 3440 cm –1 lines, their total
contribution to the Raman spectrum of water is higher than 90%. These lines are the most
sensitive to the temperature, too. When the temperature decreases from 20 down to 3 C,
the positions of these peaks were shifted from 3232 to 3224 cm –1 and from 3441 to
3434 cm –1 , respectively; and the intensity of 3230 cm –1 line was increased approximately
by 14% in its magnitude.
Keywords: Raman spectra, water structure, temperature, pressure.