Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2011. V. 14, N 1. P. 088-090.
Negative magnetoresistance of heavily doped silicon p-n junction
1 V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, 41, prospect Nauky, 03028 Kyiv, Ukraine
Phone: +38(044)5256292, fax: +38(044)5257463
At the liquid helium temperature and under application of magnetic fields up
to 9.4 T, a voltage drop across a silicon diode with metallic conductivity of the emitter
and base has been measured under passing a constant forward current through the diode.
Observed magnetoresistance of the diode is proved as a whole to be extremely small,
negative at low fields and changing its sign when the field increases. In the positive
region of the diode magnetoresistance, its field dependence is quadratic at first and then
becomes close to the linear one. With increase in the current through the diode, the
negative component of the diode magnetoresistance decreases, and the smaller its value,
the more extended is the quadratic section and the shorter is the linear one. The results
are interpreted as caused by hopping conduction over a system of electron “lakes” in the
region of p-n junction.
Keywords: junction diode, silicon, low temperatures, hopping conduction, magnetoresistance.