Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2014. V. 17, N 1. P. 052-055.


High-density data recording via laser thermo-lithography and ion-beam etching
I.V. Gorbov1 , A.A. Kryuchyn1 , K.P. Grytsenko2 , D.Yu. Manko1 , Yu.O. Borodin1

1Institute for Information Recording of National Academy of Science of Ukraine 2, str. M. Shpaka, 03113, Kiev, Ukraine
2V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of NAS of Ukraine, 41, prospect Nauky, 03028 Kiev, Ukraine
Gorbov I.V.: tel.: (38-044) 454-22-19, fax: (38-044) 456-33-18, e-mail:
Kryuchyn A.A.: tel.: (38-044) 454-21-52, fax: (38-044) 241-72-33, e-mail:
Grytsenko K.P.: tel.: (38-044) 525-55-30, e-mail:
Manko D.Yu.: tel.: (38-044) 454-22-09, fax: (38-044) 456-33-18, e-mail:
Borodin Yu.O.: tel.: (38-044) 454-21-14, fax: (38-044) 456-33-18, e-mail:

Abstract. Pits 250 - 300 - nm wide were obtained on the surface of thin organic nanocomposite film using master-disc laser-burning station with 405 nm laser beam focused by 0.85 NA lens. The film with obtained pits was used as a mask for subsequent reactive ion-beam etching of glass substrate. Finally, 150 - 200-nm pits were performed on the substrate surface. Nanocomposite films were based on organic positive photoresist with a dye inclusions. This dye is characterized by wide absorption band within the spectral region 390-410 nm and can be evaporated by laser irradiation with the wavelength 405 nm.

Keywords:optical data recording, laser thermo-lithography, organic nanocomposite films, ion-beam etching.

Manuscript received 11.12.13; revised version received 23.01.14; accepted for publication 20.03.14; published online 31.03.14.

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