Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 23 (1), P. 91-101 (2020).
Optimization of the cooling system design
for a compact high-power LED luminaire
1V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
41, prosp. Nauky, 03680 Kyiv, Ukraine,
Abstract. Using the method of computer modelling, considered in this paper is optimization of a passive air system design for cooling the powerful LED luminaire based on heat pipes and cooling rings. Thermal and mass characteristics of the cooling system have been studied for various design parameters: distance between rings, thickness of ring materials and thermal loads. It has been shown that, to provide a minimal case temperature of LED source, the optimal distance between cooling rings should be 6 mm, but in this case the mass of cooling system is not least. To reduce the luminaire mass, it is reasonable to choose the distance between the cooling rings equal to 8 mm. Then the temperature of light source increases by only 1.8 °С, or by 2.2%, while the mass of cooling system reduces by 1357 g, or by 20.5%. At the same time, lowering the ring thickness from 2 down to 0.8 mm can in addition reduce this mass by 2700 g, or by 48.6%. However, when doing so the temperature of LED source case is increased by 5.9 °С. The offered cooling system based on heat pipes is capable to provide the thermal resistance 0.131 С/W when scattering the thermal power 500 W under the maximum temperature of LED source crystal 135.5 С. Recommendations for application of the developed cooling system have been formulated.
Keywords: LED, cooling system, air cooling, heat pipe, optimization. ![]() This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.