Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 26 (1), P. 105-113 (2023).

Experimental study of the compensation method for atmospheric attenuation of probing laser radiation in active electro-optical systems that provide an increase of target image contrast

L.F. Kupchenko, A.S. Rybiak, О.А. Goorin, A.P. Hurin, А.V. Ponomar, O.V. Biesova

Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University
77/79, Sumska str., 61023 Kharkiv, Ukraine
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Abstract. The article deals with the experimental study of the compensation method for atmospheric attenuation of laser radiation in active electro-optical remote sensing systems with dynamic spectral processing of optical signals that provides an increase of target image contrast. The compensation method for atmospheric attenuation of laser radiation in active electro-optical systems consists in forming the spectral intensity of the probing radiation not only on the basis of a priori data on the spectral features of the reflecting surfaces of the target and the background, but also taking into account the spectral transmittance of the optical radiation propagation medium. The experimental setup has been developed, in which the source of radiation in the transmitting part of the electro- optical system is three semiconductor lasers operating in the ranges of the red, green and blue parts of the spectrum. Absorption light filters were used in the experiment as elements simulating the spectral properties of the reflecting surfaces of the target and background. The cuvettes with a liquid absorbing optical radiation were used as elements simulating atmospheric attenuation.

Keywords:active electro-optical system, dynamic spectral processing, atmospheric attenuation of radiation, semiconductor lasers.

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