Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 28 (1), P. 102-108 (2024).

An integrated sensor system based on the phenomenon of surface plasmon resonance for early diagnosis of postoperative progression of malignant brain tumors

R.V. Khristosenko1,*, N.Ya. Gridina2, L.V. Borkovska1, A.V. Samoylov1, G.V. Dorozinsky1, A.B. Sidnev1, V.V. Romanchuk1, L.Yu. Khomenkova1

1V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NAS of Ukraine 2The State Institution Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, NAMS of Ukraine *Corresponding author e-mail:

Abstract. The integrated sensor system based on the phenomenon of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is proposed. The system consists of a “Plasmon-6” biosensor device (model 321), a plunger pump, and an air dryer, placed in a thermal box. Stabilization of the temperature of the biosensor sensitive element is essential for studying biological media. The sensor system was used to confirm the completeness of surgical removal of a malignant brain tumor of grade II by monitoring the changes in the aggregation of peripheral blood cells mixed with a solution of verapamil hydrochloride. For this, the SPR indices of blood cells taken before and on the 7th day after the surgery were compared in 12 patients. A decrease in the SPR index after the surgery indicates complete resection of the malignant brain glioma, and an increase in the SPR index suggests the presence of micro-inflammation associated with tumor remnants. The latter means incomplete resection of glioma and indicates a high probability of recurrence due to tumor progression. The successful removal of brain glioma, as noted in the operation protocol, was confirmed for 7 patients, whereas for 5 patients the resection was incomplete. The advantages of using the proposed sensor system to assess the completeness of malignant tumor resection are quickly obtaining SPR indices, sensitivity to small doses of substances, safety for patients, autonomy and mobility. This allows us to take timely measures to prevent the postoperative progression of a malignant tumor.

Keywords: integrated sensor system, surface plasmon resonance, brain glioma, completeness of tumor resection.

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