Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2005. V. 8, N 2. P. 066-069.
Spontaneous and stimulated emission spectra for 124Xe35Cl molecules
Institute of Physics, NAS of Ukraine
46, prospect Nauky, 03028 Kyiv, Ukraine,
Abstract. The influence of the isotopic composition of active medium on a lasing
spectrum of a XeCl laser has been investigated. Spectra of spontaneous and stimulated
emissions for monoisotopic 124Xe35Cl molecules were measured. The frequencies in
lasing spectrum were determined. The frequencies of vibrational edging in the
luminescence spectra of the molecule 124Xe35Cl were also measured. We showed that
varying the isotopic composition of the active medium one can get the lasing on
frequencies different from the lasing ones in the natural XeCl laser.
Keywords: excimer laser, isotopic composition, emission spectra, fine structure.