Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2005. V. 8, N 2. P. 075-080.
Method for replacing objects in 4F-correlator: testing
aInstitute of Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 46, prospect Nauky, 03028 Kyiv, Ukraine
Phone: (38 044) 525 5072, e-mail:
Abstract. The method of pattern recognition based on replacement of object images incoming to the correlator by object-dependent synthesized phase objects calculated using the iterative Fourier-transform algorithm was developed by us earlier. In this work, we performed experimental testing the above method by using an optical-digital 4Fcorrelator. Synthesized phase objects were inputed into the correlator through the spatial light modulator LC2002. Holographic matched filters were recorded using selfdeveloping photopolymers PPC-488. For two test objects, we obtained unified (δ-like) correlation signals with the signal-to-noise ratio reaching 24 dB, while the diffraction efficiency of these filters was up to 30%. Keywords: pattern recognition, hybrid optical-digital 4F-correlator, synthesized phase object, iterative Fourier-transform algorithm.