Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2008. V. 11, N 2. P. 151-153.
Numerical study of electrical characteristics
of conjugated polymer light-emitting diodes
1LPSCM, University Cadi Ayaad, Physics Department, Faculty of Sciences – Semlalia
P.O. Box 2390, 40000 Marrakech, Morocco
Abstract. Conjugated polymers now provide a class of processible, film-forming
semiconductors and metals. In this work, the electronic properties of polymer light-
emitting diodes devices are numerically studied. Our results show how an insulating
buffer layer with suitable thickness decreases the barrier height at the cathode and
therefore increases the electron injection. We also discuss the effects from persistent
charged traps.
Keywords: polymer; light-emitting diode; current density.