Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2010. V. 13, N 3. P. 290-293.
Low voltage FLC for fast active matrix displays
P.N. Lebedev Physics Institute
53, Leninsky prospect, 119991 Moscow, Russia
Abstract. The process of FLC director reorientation in alternating electric field is
considered for the case when interaction of FLC molecules with the substrates results in
partial unwinding the helix structure and motion of domain walls. The hysteresis-free
electrooptical response as fast as 50…70 μs was achieved in the FLC cell of 1.3-μm
thickness in the electric field 1 V/μm. This result is very important for the practical use of
FLC in fast active matrix displays.
Keywords: FLC, fast active matrix display, electrooptical response, reorientation of