Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 27 (3), P. 294-297 (2024).

Physical mechanism of gettering of impurity Ni atom clusters in Si lattice

B.K. Ismaylov1*, N.F. Zikrillayev2, K.A. Ismailov1, Z.T. Kenzhaev2

1Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh, 1 Ch. Abdirov str., 230112 KAR, Nukus, Uzbekistan
2Tashkent State Technical University named Islam Karimov, 2 Universitetskaya str., 100095 Tashkent, Uzbekistan
*Corresponding author e-mail:,

Abstract. This article presents the gettering mechanism and the physical model of impurity Ni atom clusters in the Si crystal lattice. The study finds out that the formed Ni atom clusters lead to gettering various rapidly diffusing impurities, both present in the Si lattice and introduced, as well as oxygen atoms, by stimulating generation of recombination centers of thermal and radiation defects.

Keywords: silicon, cluster, gettering, nickel, thermal donors, lattice, physical mechanism, impurity.

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