Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 27 (3), P. 356-365 (2024).

Properties of InSb photodiodes fabricated by ion implantation

S.V. Sapon, M.S. Boltovets, O.A. Kulbachynskyi*, V.V. Zabudsky, O.G. Golenkov*, V.V. Korotyeyev, A.A. Efremov

V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
*Corresponding author e-mail:,

Abstract. InSb photodiodes were fabricated by ion implantation method. The electrical and photoelectrical properties of the photodiodes in the operating temperature range of 69…115 K were investigated. The test structures were fabricated as a part of the developed technological route. The value R0 A0, which is the product of the dynamic resistance and the diode area, was ~2·104 Ohm·cm2 at the operating temperature of 77 K for the diodes with the topological area of 0.01 mm2. The avalanche effect as well as the influence of background radiation on the I–V characteristics and dynamic resistance of the diodes were observed. The integrated ampere-watt responsivity of the fabricated InSb photodiodes to a radiant exitance of a blackbody with the temperature of 500 K was determined. The operating temperature of the InSb diode, at which the thermal and fractional noises were equal to each other, was 115 K under the conditions of the presence of background radiation with the temperature of 293 K in the aperture angle FOV ~ 30°.

Keywords: infrared photodetector, InSb, responsivity, dynamic resistance, temperature influence.

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