Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 25 (4), P. 441-445 (2022).
Thermostimulated luminescence and photoluminescence of microcrystalline zinc sulphide ZnS:Cu
1South-Ukrainian K.D. Ushynsky National Pedagogical University, 65020 Odesa, Ukraine Abstract. Being based on the known model of a cylindrical nanopore created using the classical method of molecular dynamics, we have studied the patterns of electrolyte flow passing through a nanocylinder, which is used to simulate an ion-induced track in a thin film. In this study, the nanotrack model takes into account the defect structure of the nanotracks inner surface. A model of a structural defect, which is an adsorption center for model particles passing through a nanocylinder, has been described. It was revealed the sensitivity of the electrolyte flux density to its composition, which is explained by interaction of particles passing through the nanocylinder with structural defects of its inner surface. This effect enables to create a biosensor system for detecting the low concentration of impurities of various types in liquid.
Keywords:thermoluminescence, photoluminescence, zinc sulfide ZnS:Cu, annealing, SHS method. ![]() This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.