Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 26 (4), P. 424-431 (2023).
Impedance of nanocomposite SiO2(Si)&FexOy (Fe) thin films containing Si and Fe nanoinclusions
V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NAS of Ukraine Abstract.
In this study, electrical properties at alternating current of the nanocomposite
films containing silicon and iron inclusions in amorphous SiO x matrix are presented. The
composite SiO 2 (Si)&Fe x O y (Fe) films were obtained using the ion-plasma co-sputtering of
Si and Fe targets in oxygen containing atmosphere (Ar + O 2 ) followed by temperature
annealing. It was revealed the predominance of the inductive contribution over the
capacitive one in the reactive part of the admittance (impedance) at low frequencies
(f < 1 MHz) both after annealing in air and nitrogen atmosphere. The frequency
dependences of the admittance after heat treatment in air have the minima that shift to the
region of high frequencies with increasing the annealing temperature. In the case of low-
frequency dependence, the phase shift angle passes into the region of positive values, which
indicates the predominance of the inductive contribution to the admittance at these
frequencies. The dependence of the conductivity real part at the alternating current
frequency does not change significantly up to ~20 kHz. Starting from the frequency higher
than ~20 KHz and up to ~1 MHz, the exponent in the frequency dependence of the
conductivity lies within the limits m ~ 0.49…0.52.
Keywords: nanocomposite films, Si nanoclusters, Fe nanoinclusions, oxide matrix, electrical properties, alternating current, impedance. ![]() This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.