Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 26 (4), P. 442-449 (2023).
Influence of sulfurization on optical properties of CdS nanocrystals
V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics of NAS of Ukraine, Abstract.
Optical properties of 1D nanocrystals of cadmium sulfide synthesized by vapor–
liquid–solid growing were investigated as the function from such technological parameter
as overpressure of sulfur vapor at the synthesis process or post-processing by the additional
annealing in the sulfur atmosphere (sulfurization). The analyses of UV-vis absorption and
photoluminescence spectra indicate considerable dependences of CdS nanocrystals optical
parameters from sulfur compensation degree at the synthesis process. The photo-
luminescence spectra are characterized by changing the ratio of intensities of the defect
level and near band edge emissions at overpressure sulfur vapor treatment. A significant
decrease in the intensity of defect level emission after the growth or post-growth treatment
in sulfur vapor has been observed. Optical absorption edge calculated using the Tauc
relation demonstrates improvement of the crystal structure, which is reflected by the rising
optical band gap value that approaches to the value for the bulk material at curing of sulfur
vacancies by different technological ways. Optical properties obtained by absorption and
luminescent measurements demonstrate total correlation, which corresponds to applied
Keywords: CdS, nanocrystals, sulfurization, absorbance, photoluminescence, crystal
morphology. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.