Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 27 (4), P. 478-488 (2024).

Spectral SPR effect in thin films of high-conductive metals and features of SPR-biosensors implementation in chromatic mode

O.L. Kukla, Yu.M. Shirshov, A.I. Biletskiy, O.N. Fedchenko

V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NAS of Ukraine
41, prospect Nauky, 03028 Kyiv, Ukraine,
Corresponding author e-mail:

Abstract. In this paper, we have evaluated the application of various types of highly conductive metals for implementing the effect of spectral surface plasmon resonance (SPR) within a visible spectrum range to achieve more efficient and productive registration of biomolecules in a liquid medium using tricolor RGB cameras. Thin films of gold, silver, copper, and aluminum, as well as a bimetallic coating of silver with a gold superlayer on a glass substrate, are considered. Detailed calculations of the spectral characteristics of reflection at SPR excitation in the Kretschmann geometry are performed, particularly when a thin dielectric film is formed on the metal surface that imitates a layer of biomolecules. For each of the specified metals, the width of the region of implementation of the full-fledged SPR effect in the visible range of the spectrum is determined, and the sensitivity of the optical response to the influence of an external dielectric layer is assessed.

Keywords:spectral SPR effect, chromatic mode, high-conductive metals, reflection spectra, R, G, B components, visible wavelengths range.

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