Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 3 (1), P. 82-90 (2000) PACS: 39, 42, 78. Science and technology excimer laser complex and examples of its applications S.M.Baschenko*, I.V.Blons‘kiy. Institute of Physics of NAS of Ukraine, 46, prospect Nauki, 03039, Kyiv, Ukraine. Abstract. Science and technology multi-purposes, wide-functional excimer laser complex consisting of two precisely and fine synchronized excimer lasers and assembled on the common optical table and added by high efficient Stimulated Raman Scattering converter and both working by scheme “oscillator — amplifier” is created. Due to these the Complex is able to generate highest quality radiation simultaneously at a few wavelengths with its definite intensities ratio. Radiation of this complex has next parameters: main wavelengths of radiation — 193, 222, 248, 308 and 351 nm; radiation pulse duration in the range of 20…30 ns; pulse energy at the main wavelengths — 20–30 mJ; bandwidth of radiation line is less than 0.1 cm-1; divergence of radiation is less than 10-4 radians; fine and smooth tuning within the part of the respective excimer molecule luminescence band — 0.5–4.0 nm; discrete SRS-conversion (tens lines) — within the region from 180 to 800 nm; efficiency of SRS-conversion in defined SRS-component — up to 30–50%; pulse energy at the additional wavelength in dependence on number of emitted components is about 1–10 mJ; repetition rate — up to 50 pps. Highest quality of complex's radiation (spectral brightness up to 1012 W/nm·steradian) provides its widest application prospects and allows one to achieve in focal spot power density up to 1013-14 W/cm2. Three examples of complex application, namely: for remote sensing of atmosphere, high-precision processing of super-hard non-metallic materials and for porous-silicon luminescence properties modification are reported.
Keywords: excimer laser, Stimulated Raman Scattering conversion, atmosphere sensing, sapphire high-precision processing, porous silicon luminescence. [Contents] ![]() This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. |