Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 6 (1), P. 032-036 (2003) Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2003. V. 6, N 1. P. 32-36. PACS: 61.16.Ch, 79.70.+q Electron field emission
from SiOx films
Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NAS
of Ukraine, 41 prospect Nauky, 03028 Kyiv, Ukraine Abstract. Efficient electron field emission from silicon flat cathode coated with
SiOx film (x 0.3-0.5) was observed both before and after thermal (1000 C) annealing
with subsequent etching in HF solution. Oxide films were produced by silicon
thermal evaporation in vacuum (10-5 Torr). Using optical spectroscopy
in visible and infrared ranges, as well as AFM technique, structural features
of these films were investigated. It was shown that initial SiOx film may be represented as SiOõ (Si) composite (x 1.2). Thermal annealing causes further phase segregation
in film material, and it is transformed into SiO2 (Si) composite. During such a process, silicon grains size decreases and
their density increases. The model of electron field emission from the
surface of such films was proposed. It was supposed that limitation process
of the current flow under high electric fields is connected with Fowler-Nordheim
tunneling through barriers Si-SiOõ-vacuum
or Si-vacuum. Current peaks in emission I-V characteristics were explained
in the framework of resonance tunneling mechanism. Keywords:
electron field emission, flat cathodes, silicon oxide, nanostructures,
structural transformations. Download full text in PDF [PDF 400K ![]() This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. |