Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2007. V. 10, N 1. P. 033-035.
Luminescence of the pyrazoline dye in nanostructured zeolite matriх
Institute for Information Recording, NAS of Ukraine (IPRI NASU)
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Abstract. A physicotechnical fundamental of the multilayer photoluminescent media
development has been considered. The quantum yield and relaxation time of
luminescence were found as most significant values of the recording material. Organic
pyrazoline dyes were adopted due to their appropriable characteristics. Possibility of the
further luminescent material parameters increase while performance dye molecules in the
white nanostructured zeolite matrix by components mixing and laser annealing was
proposed. Experimental results with 60 % of quantum yield gain and relaxation time
quadruple decrease was obtained. Using the received materials in plotting the
identification luminescent elements based on the optical disc cover procedure has been
Keywords: multilayer photoluminescent media, quantum yield, relaxation time,
pyrazoline dyes, zeolite, nanostructured matrix, identification elements.