Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2007. V. 10, N 1. P. 083-087.
Finite-difference time-domain method calculation
of light propagation through H-PDLC
Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Physics Department
2, prospect Academician Glushkov, 03680 Kyiv, Ukraine
Abstract. Presented is the study of the diffraction properties of transmission holographic
polymer dispersed liquid crystal (H-PDLC) grating. We constructed a two-dimensional
model of H-PDLC film with cylindrical LC droplets. Director distribution inside LC
droplets was calculated using the Monte-Carlo method. To calculate light propagation
through the film we have solved numerically the Maxwell equations using the finite-
difference time-domain method (FDTD). The FDTD analysis of diffraction was
performed for s- and p-polarized incident light. Externally applied electric field influence
on the diffraction efficiency was studied.
Keywords: polymer dispersed liquid crystal, Monte-Carlo simulation, electric switch,
finite-difference time-domain method.