Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2009. V. 12, N 1. P. 086-090.
Light depolarization by inhomogeneous linear birefringent media
Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Radiophysics Department,
5 build., 2, Acad. Glushkov ave., 03127 Kyiv, Ukraine,
phone: (380-44)526-04-83; e-mail:
Abstract. The purpose of the article is to provide rigorous analysis of light
depolarization by inhomogeneous linear birefringent media in single scattering case. The
object under investigation is a lossless anisotropic crystalline slab with surface
inhomogeneity. For the analysis we use the Mueller matrix model of such class of media
derived in [1], Cloude’s coherency matrix method and known single value depolarization
metrics. Sample calculations are given for calcite CaCO 3 , paratellurite TeO 2 and lithium
niobate LiNbO3.
Keywords: light scattering, depolarization, Mueller matrix, birefringence, Cloude’s
coherency matrix, entropy.