Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2015. V. 18, N 1. P. 036-039.
Nonlinear-optical processes at streamer discharge in semiconductors
1Brest State Technical University Abstract. The possibility of light auto-channelling (self-trapping) in conditions of streamer discharge in hexagonal and cubic semiconductors was shown. It is considered the mechanism of discharge in the wide-gap compounds on the basis of representation about the light auto-channelling at streamer excitation, providing their high propagation velocity down to ~5 x 109 cm/s, the crystallographic orientation (directionality), filamentary character at thickness of the channel about 1 μm and absence of the catastrophic destructions of a crystal. Keywords: power semiconductor streamer laser, effect of light auto-channelling (self-trapping), nonlinearity, combined effect, symmetry of crystallographic directions of system of streamer discharges.