Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2015. V. 18, N 1. P. 053-056.
Changes in electrophysical properties of heavily doped n-Ge 〈As〉 single crystals under the influence of thermoannealings
Institute for Nuclear Researches, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
47, prospect Nauky, 03680 Kyiv, Ukraine; e-mail: Abstract. Features of changes in the electrophysical parameters (concentrations of charge carriers ne and their mobilities μ) in heavily doped n-Ge 〈As〉 single crystals, which occur as a result of the series of thermoannealings (each for 0.5 h) over a wide temperature range (540 ≤ T ≤ 900 °C), have been investigated and explained. Keywords: germanium, thermoannealing, Hall effect, charge carrier concentration, charge carrier mobility.