Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 22 (1), P. 11-18 (2019).
Method for data processing in application to ohmic contacts
1V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NAS of Ukraine,
41, prospect Nauky, 03680 Kyiv, Ukraine
Abstract. The method of processing the data of electrophysical investigations of ohmic contacts has been developed. It allows obtaining more accurate results of measuring the contact resistance and additional information by analyzing the statistical and spatial distribution of input data. To test the method, the Au–Ge–TiB2–Au contact to n-n+-GaAs was used. The analysis of frequency distribution for the total resistance, specific contact resistance and surface resistance of semiconductor has been carried out. The spatial distribution of these parameters has been analyzed. With taking the linear gradient of specific resistivity into account, the value of the contact resistance has been clarified. We have achieved reduction of half-width of the distribution by 14%, that is, reduction of the error in determining the contact resistance. The method has been developed for correct analyzing the impacts of technological treatments and degradation processes and has been oriented on research purposes. Evaluation of the gradient distributions of the contact resistance and the resistance of semiconductor can be used to identify the defects in the technological processes of manufacturing devices.
Keywords: contact resistance, electrophysical diagnostic, ohmic contacts. ![]() This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.