Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 24 (1), P. 16-21 (2021).
Modified expressions of field and thermionic-field emission
for Schottky barrier diodes in the reverse regime
LPMRN Laboratory, Department of Materials Science, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Abstract.
In this theoretical work, the author has modified the current-voltage relationship
of the field and thermionic–field emission models developed by Padovani and Stratton for
the Schottky barrier diodes in the reverse bias conditions with account of the image force
correction. Considered in this approach has been the shape of Schottky barrier as
trapezoidal. The obtained results show a good agreement between current densities
calculated within the framework of these developed models and those calculated using the
general model.
Keywords: tunneling current, field emission, thermionic–field emission, Schottky diode,
image force barrier lowering, trapezoidal barrier. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.