Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 27 (1), P. 090-094 (2024).

Asymmetry of resonant forward/backward reflectivity of metal – multilayer-dielectric nanostructure

S.G. Ilchenko, V.B. Taranenko

Branch of Applied Optics at the Institute of Physics, NAS of Ukraine
10G, Kudryavska str., 04053 Kyiv, Ukraine
*Corresponding author e-mail:

Abstract. Presented in this paper is an experimental and numerical study of direction-dependent asymmetry of resonant optical characteristics inherent to metal – multilayer-dielectric (MMD) nanostructure, which has much in common with the Tamm plasmonic configuration. We demonstrate that when a MMD structure is illuminated from opposite sides, there is a noticeable asymmetry of the forward/backward reflection resonances, contrasting with the strictly symmetrical transmission resonances indicating classical optical reciprocity. Comparative measurements were carried out on a metal film and a quasi-periodic dielectric structure, which are identical to the corresponding parameters of the MMD structure. Directional asymmetry of reflection and transmission is briefly discussed for a modified MMD structure with the Kerr nonlinearity.

Keywords:metal – dielectric structure, Tamm plasmon, surface mode, photonic crystal.

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