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Semiconductor Physics,
  Quantum Electronics & 

 ISSN 1605-6582 (On-line)  |  ISSN 1560-8034 (Print)

Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics (SPQEO) is open access, free download peer-reviewed journal licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

Current Issue
Vol 27 N3(2024)

Volume 27 (2024) Volume 26 (2023) Volume 25 (2022) Volume 24 (2021) Volume 23 (2020) Volume 22 (2019) Volume 21 (2018) Volume 20 (2017) Volume 19 (2016) Volume 18 (2015) Volume 17 (2014) Volume 16 (2013) Volume 15 (2012) Volume 14 (2011) Volume 13 (2010) Volume 12 (2009) Volume 11 (2008) Volume 10 (2007) Volume 09 (2006) Volume 08 (2005) Volume 07 (2004) Volume 06 (2003) Volume 05 (2002) Volume 04 (2001) Volume 03 (2000) Volume 02 (1999) Volume 01 (1998)

Contents Volume 27 N 1


Science in 2025-2027 and the SPQEO journal
A. Belyaev, P. Smertenko
Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics and optoelectronics, 27 (1), P. 004-009 (2024).
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Semiconductor physics

Space charge region recombination in highly efficient silicon solar cells
A.V. Sachenko, V.P. Kostylyov, M. Evstigneev
Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics and optoelectronics, 27 (1), P. 010-027 (2024).
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Study of fractality nature in VO2 films and its influence on metal-insulator phase transition
A.A. Efremov, B.M. Romaniuk, V.P. Melnyk, O.A. Stadnik, T.M. Sabov, O.A. Kulbachinskiy, O.V. Dubikovskiy
Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics and optoelectronics, 27 (1), P. 028-039 (2024).
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Structure and optical characterization of chitosan-chitin/Ag nanocomposite thin films
T.O. Malakhovska, A.I. Pogodin, M.J. Filep, R. Mariychuk, M.M. Pop, Ya.I. Studenyak, V.V. Vakulchak, V. Komanicky, S. Vorobiov, M.Yu. Sabov
Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics and optoelectronics, 27 (1), P. 040-053 (2024).
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Effect of annealing in air on the properties of carbon-rich amorphous silicon carbide films
A.M. Lukianov, M.G. Dusheiko, V.B. Lozinskii, V.P. Temchenko, V.N. Dikusha, N.I. Klyui
Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics and optoelectronics, 27 (1), P. 054-063 (2024).
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Green route to prepare zinc oxide nanoparticles using Moringa oleifera leaf extracts and their structural, optical and impedance spectral properties
S.C. Vella Durai, E. Kumar, R. Indira
Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics and optoelectronics, 27 (1), P. 064-069 (2024).
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The dependence of electrical conductivity of MgxZn1–xO ceramics on phase composition
N.O. Korsunska, Yu.O. Polishchuk, I.V. Markevich, K.O. Kozoriz, S.S. Ponomaryov, O.V. Melnichuk, T.R. Stara, L.Yu. Melnichuk, L.Yu. Khomenkova
Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics and optoelectronics, 27 (1), P. 070-078 (2024).
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Difference in the structure and morphology of CVD diamond films grown on negatively charged and grounded substrate holders: Optical study
Iu.M. Nasieka, V.E. Strelnitskij, O.A. Opalev, V.I. Gritsina, K.I. Koshevyi, O.Ya. Horobei, V.V. Lementaryov, V.I. Trokhaniak, M.I. Boyko
Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics and optoelectronics, 27 (1), P. 079-089 (2024).
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Asymmetry of resonant forward/backward reflectivity of metal – multilayer-dielectric nanostructure
S.G. Ilchenko, V.B. Taranenko
Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics and optoelectronics, 27 (1), P. 090-094 (2024).
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The conductivity effect of the top coating on optical properties of thin Cu(Ag)-layered structures
P.O. Kovanzhi, I.H. Hyrman, V.G. Kravets, O.S. Kondratenko, L.V. Poperenko
Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics and optoelectronics, 27 (1), P. 095-108 (2024).
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Optoelectronics and optoelectronic devices

Numerical study of single-layer and interlayer grating polarizers based on metasurface structures for quantum key distribution systems
A.Q. Baki, S.K. Tawfeeq
Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics and optoelectronics, 27 (1), P. 109-116 (2024).
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Optical and electrical properties of zinc oxide nanofilms deposited using the sol-gel method
A.V. Fedorenko, K.M. Bozhko, N.V. Kachur, A.V. Kosiakovskiy, V.P. Maslov
Semiconductor physics, quantum electronics and optoelectronics, 27 (1), P. 117-123 (2024).
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