Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 28 (1), P. 070-076 (2024).

Computer simulation of amorphous silicon thin-film solar cell with embedded coaxial junction nanowires

A.B. Gnilenko1,2, S.V. Plaksin2

1Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, 72 Nauky Avenue, 49045 Dnipro, Ukraine
2Institute of Transport Systems and Technology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
5 Pisarzhevskogo Street, 49005 Dnipro, Ukraine
*Corresponding author e-mail:

Abstract. This work studies a thin-film amorphous Si solar cell with a coaxial p-i-n structure in the form of a nanowire with vertically oriented p-n junctions embedded into the structure of a planar basic solar cell with traditional horizontal p-n junction. A three-dimensional model of the solar cell is built using the Silvaco TCAD software package and its basic electrical characteristics are obtained. It is shown that the considered design of solar cell allows a significant increase of the photoconversion efficiency at oblique sunlight incidence.

Keywords: solar cell, amorphous silicon, Silvaco TCAD, I–V characteristics, solar cell efficiency.

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