Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2009. V. 12, N 2. P. 129-134.
The features of surface plasmon resonance in gold cluster films
V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NAS of Ukraine
45, prospect Nauky, Kyiv 03028, Ukraine
Phone: 38-(044) 525-57-78; e-mail:
Abstract. The internal reflection of nanosized gold cluster films was studied using the
technique of polarization modulation of electromagnetic radiation in the Kretschmann
geometry. We measured the reflection coefficients R s and R p of s- and p-polarized
radiation, respectively, as well as their polarization difference ∆R = R s − R p , as function
of the light incidence angle in the 0.4÷1.6 µm wavelength range. A topological size
effect was found; it consists in dependence of the value and sign of curvature of the
polarization difference characteristics on the film surface properties. It is shown that the
sign of curvature of ∆R characteristics depends on the radiation wavelength λ and
indicates resonance interaction with a metal film of either p-polarized radiation only or
that of both polarizations. The spectral characteristic of the topological size effect in the
resonance interaction is obtained from the condition of isotropic reflection, ∆R = R s − R p
= 0, and its dependence on the radiation wavelength.
Keywords: radiation polarization, plasmon-polariton resonance, gold cluster film,
topological size effect.