Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2011. V. 14, N 2. P. 167-169.
Photo-thermo-acoustic analysis of heterogeneous semiconductor
structures under pulse laser irradiation
Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Physics Department,
64, Volodymyrs’ka str., 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine
E-mail: rmb@univ.kiev.ua1, isaev@univ.kiev.ua2, kuzmich@univ.kiev.ua3
The analysis of photo-thermo-acoustic transformation in materials with the
modified properties of a surface layer has been made in this work. Formation of a photo-
acoustic response in a layered structure of the type “implanted layer + crystalline Si
substrate” as a result of its irradiation by one laser pulse with duration of 20 ns is
Keywords: photo-acoustics, heterogeneous structure.