Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2015. V. 18, N 2. P. 147-151.

Azimuthally invariant phase tomography of optically anisotropic sections of biological tissues
M.I. Sidor1, A.O. Karachevtsev1, V.P. Prysyazhnyuk2

1Chernivtsi National University, Optics and Publishing Department 2, Kotsyubinsky str., 58012 Chernivtsi, Ukraine
2Bukovinian State Medical University, 58000 Chernivtsi, Ukraine E-mail:

Abstract. Considered in this work is the theoretical background of the azimuthally stable method of Jones matrix mapping applied to histological sections of uterine neck biopsy based on spatial-frequency selection of the mechanisms responsible for linear and circular birefringence. The comparative results of measuring the coordinate distributions of the complex degree of mutual anisotropy formed by fibrillar networks of myosin and collagen fibrils of uterine neck tissue being in different pathological states – pre-cancer (dysplasia) and cancer (adenocarcinoma) – have been shown. The values and ranges of the change in the statistical (moments of the 1st to 4th orders) parameters of the complex degree of mutual anisotropy of coordinate distributions have been studied. The objective criteria for diagnostics of pathology and differentiation of its severity degree have been determined.

Keywords: phase tomography, biological tissues, birefringence.

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