Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2 (2), P. 63-68 (1999)

PACS 78.30, 78.66, 82.20C

Raman spectra of Ag- and Cu- photodoped chalcogenide films

A. V. Stronski a*, M. Vlcek b, A. I. Stetsun a, A. Sklenar b, P. E. Shepeliavyi a
a - Institute of Semiconductor Physics of NASU, 45, prospect Nauki , 252028 Kiev, Ukraine
b - Pardubice University, Pardubice, Czech Republic

Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 1999. V. 2, No 2. P.63-68. Eng. Il.: 3. Ref.:37

Abstract. Raman spectra of the chalcogenide vitreous layers (As40S60, As40S40Se20, As40Se60 ) non-doped and photodoped by Ag, Cu were measured. The spectra were analyzed in terms of a molecular model. It was ascertained, that for the spectra of photodoped As40S60, As40S40Se20 layers, the shift of the main bands to the high frequency side and the appearance of the additional scattering bands in the low frequency spectral range are characteristic features. For the spectra of photodoped As40Se60 layers, such shift and significant increase in scattering were not observed. Variations in the Raman spectra with photodoping by Ag or Cu are consistent with the supposition concerning normal covalent and coordinative bond formation between metal additives and chalcogen atoms.

Keywords: arsenic chacogenides, thin films, photodoping, Raman spectroscopy.

Paper received 26.04.99; revised manuscript received 28.04.99; accepted for publication 12.07.99.

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