Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 3 (3), P. 406-409 (2000)

Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2000. V. 3, N 3. P. 406-409.

PACS: 42.15.D, 42.25, 42.60.Da

Simple waveguide model of arbitrary filled plane-plane cavity

S. Anokhov

International Center “Institute of Applied Optics” of NAS of Ukraine
10-G Kudryavskaya str., 254053, Kyiv, Ukraine
phone: (38044) 212-21-58; fax: (38044) 212-48-12

Abstract. Some waveguide features responsible for angular structure of a plane-plane cavity output emission, which were not discussed before, are considered. A number of common regularities in mode structure of such cavity at the level of their elementary organization is established. Among them are: the angular quantization of initial plane waves spectrum, the real size of diffraction losses, the phenomenon of reorientation of plane waves in waveguide propagation, the role of optical filling of the cavity, etc. The obtained data most essentially supplement the traditional representations of mode properties in the area of the small cavity apertures characterized by the Fresnel number about or less than unity.

Keywords: cavity, waveguide, mode, optical length, effective length, losses.

Paper received 27.04.00; revised manuscript received 15.05.00; accepted for publication 16.06.00.

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