Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2000. V. 3, N 3. P. 410-419.
PACS: 78.40.-q; 78.55.-m, 78.70.En
Borate single crystals for polyfunctional applications: production and properties
B.V. Grinyov, M.F. Dubovik, A.V. Tolmachev
Institute for Single Crystals, NAS Ukraine, 60 prospekt Lenina, Kharkiv, 61001, Ukraine
Abstract. Literature data and results of authors' studies are rewieved concerning structure, growing conditions, non-linear optical, piezoelectric and spectral characteristics of borate single crystals Li2B4O7, LiB3O5, b-BaB2O4, LaB3O6, Li6Gd(BO3)3. A high scintillation efficiency of LaB3O6 and Li6Gd(BO3)3:Ce single crystals as well as the high thermostimulated luminescence yield of Li2B4O7: (Ce, Eu, Tm) ones have been demonstrated.