Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 6 (3), P. 346-348 (2003) Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2003. V. 6, N 3. P. 346-348. PACS: 71.35.-y, 78.20.Ci, 78.20.Bh Analysis of exciton reflection
spectrum of 2H-PbI2 layered single crystals with atomically clean surface
V.E. Lashkarev Institute of Semiconductor
Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 45 prospect Nauky, 03028 Kyiv, Ukraine Abstract. We performed the computer modelling of the dispersion dependences of real e1(E) and imaginary e2(E) parts of complex dielectric function e(E) for 2H-PbI2 crystals with atomically clean surface at the temperature 5 K and the light polarization and determined the energy position of the exciton bands and the parameters of the critical points. The obtained data allowed us to conclude the exciton spectra of this semiconductor can be described in terms of a single Wannier series with a large ground-state anomaly caused by a repulsive central-cell correction due to the cationic character of the exciton. Keywords: quasi-surface
and bulk excitons, computer modelling, optical functions, 2H-PbI2 layered single crystals. Download
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