Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 6 (3), P. 370-377 (2003)

Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2003. V. 6, N 3. P. 370-377.

PACS: 33.50Dq, 42.62 Fi, 42.62 Eh

Design and testing of iodine cells for metrological laser application
A.M. Negriyko, O.V. Boyko, N.M. Kachalova, V.M. Khodakovskiy, O.I. Klochko

Institute of Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 46 prospect Nauki, 03022 Kyiv, Ukraine
Phone: +38(044) 265 12 20; fax: +38 (044) 265 15 89; e-mail:

Abstract. The design and performance of iodine vapor cells for frequency stabilized laser applications are presented. The traditional design of iodine vapor cell and special development of cell for fluorescence applications are studied. The sets of eight iodine cells developed and filled in Institute of Physics NAS Ukraine were tested in the He-Ne/127I2 frequency stabilized lasers. The nonlinear resonance width and contrasts for different cells were measured. The beat frequency method was used for study of laser output frequency differencies for lasers stabilization using different cells. The results of iodine cells testing shown that for glass cells prepared more than 8 years ago the resonance width is appr. 2.2 MHz and frequency differencies are in the rather narrow area <=15 kHz. The standard uncertainty of the frequency stabilized He-Ne/127I2 lasers is 11.7 kHz. The tests shown that developed cells meet the demands to applications in metrological lasers.

Keywords: laser, metrology, iodine cell, frequency stabilization, laser fluorescence, nonlinear absorption, iodine cell technology.
Paper received 16.05.03; accepted for publication 17.06.03.

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