Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2005. V. 8, N 3. P. 045-049.

Dielectric relaxation in Se80Ge20 and Se75Ge20Ag5 chalcogenide glasses
A. Dwivedi1, R. Arora1, N. Mehta2, N. Choudhary2, A. Kumar2*

1Department of Physics, P. P. N. College, Kanpur-01, India
2 Department of Physics, Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, Kanpur-02, India
* Corresponding author:

Abstract. Temperature and frequency dependence of dielectric constant (ε') and dielectric loss (ε") are studied in glassy Se80Ge20 and Se75Ge20Ag5. The measurements have been made in the frequency range (1 to 10 kHz) and in the temperature range 300 to 395 K. No dielectric dispersion is observed in glassy Se80Ge20. However, the results indicate that the dielectric dispersion exists in Se75Ge20Ag5 in the above frequency and temperature range. An analysis of the dielectric loss data shows that the Guintini theory of dielectric dispersion based on two electron hopping over a potential barrier is applicable in the present case.

Keywords: chalcogenide glass, dielectric constant, dielectric relaxation.

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