Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2005. V. 8, N 3. P. 100-105.
A priori probabilistic model for the reliability
of an “organised structure”
V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NAS of Ukraine,
41, prospect Nauky, 03028 Kyiv, Ukraine
Abstract. The basic possibility to create information model of the certain product (a
semiconductor electronic device, or its element: p-n junction, quantum well, etc.) has
been considered. Each product may be represented uniquely as a certain sequence of the
Numbers set by technical requirements, drawings and process charts. The set Number
may be realised only with a certain probability, therefore, the Number (N) in the initial
engineering data is set with a maximum deviation from a mean value, i.e., the tolerance
±ΔN. During operation or storage, such processes as wear or ageing destroy the product
deforming the tolerance of the set sequence of numbers, what is accompanied by
inevitable increase of entropy. Hence, each product is endowed with the information
negentropy, which may be calculated and may serve as initial value when solving an
adequate equation of production of the thermodynamic entropy. As a particular example,
the simplified model has been considered: a semiconductor plate covered on each side
with insulator, which degrades during storage. The equality of a square of the tolerance
and the real Number dispersion determined by the probability with which the Number
realises with the set tolerance was taken as the base approximation.
Keywords: reliability of electronic devices.