Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2006. V. 9, N 3. P. 044-048.
Active inductances controlled in GaAs MESFET technology
Physical laboratory of the Thin Layers and Interfaces, University of Constantine, Algeria
Electromagnetism and telecommunication laboratory, Electronics department, University of Constantine
Abstract. Two new structures of active inductance which implement MESFET
transistors are proposed in this article. The technological parameters of the components
of “inductances” are those of 0.8 µm MESFET technology. We expose the advantages of
these new structures such as the adjustable character of the value of the active inductance
like their limitation, and we compare them to those of the literature.
Keywords: active inductance, GaAs MESFET, quality factor, silicon bipolar technology,
RF applications.