Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2007. V. 10, N 3. P. 019-022.

Calculation of the spectra of characteristic electron losses in indium bromide
M.O. Kolinko1, O.V. Bovgyra2

1Lviv State Agrarian University, 79240 Lviv-Dublyany, Ukraine
2Ivan Franko Lviv National University, 1, Universytetska str., 79602 Lviv, Ukraine

Abstract. For the first time, the fundamental optical functions of single crystals of layered indium bromide are calculated on the basis of polarization-dependent reflection spectra at the liquid helium temperature in the energy region of 2−30 eV. Features of the spectra of bulk and surface characteristic losses are examined, and the bulk and surface plasmon energies have been obtained. The identification of the genetic origin of the principal structures in the spectra is accomplished. The correlation between the energies of long-wave plasmons and the energies of reflectivity minimum has been determined.

Keywords: surface and bulk plasmons, reflection.

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