Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2007. V. 10, N 3. P. 091-094.

Estimation on frequency characteristics of a photodiode determined by the motion of charge carriers in the space charge region on the surface generation of carriers
A.I. Danilyuk, Yu.G. Dobrovolskiy

SPF “Tenzor” Ltd (Chernivtsi), 226, Chervonoarmiis’ka str., 58013 Chernivtsi, Ukraine E-mail:

Abstract. We have estimated the frequency characteristics of a photodiode determined by the motion of charge carriers in the space-charge region on the surface generation of carriers in two extreme cases of unalloyed and evenly alloyed semiconductors. The expressions allowing the comparison of photodiodes with different constructions have been obtained.

Keywords: photodiode, charge carrier, frequency, photosignal, generation.

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