Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2008. V. 11, N 3. P. 311-313.
The theorem on the spin splitting of energy levels
within the Kildal-Bodnar model
Kherson National Technical University, Department of General and Applied Physics
24, Beryslavske Shosse, 73008 Kherson, Ukraine; e-mail:
Abstract. The semiconductor Cd 3 As 2 is known as a zero-gap material like HgTe or α-Sn
but with the tetragonal lattice and in various crystalline forms. One of the forms has no
symmetry center, and just this form is stable under ordinary conditions. So, every of its
energy bands is split into a pair of spin subbands owing to the removal of the Kramers
degeneration. The theory predicts that the total sum of all spin splittings will be equal to
zero, whereas the modeling shows the peculiar dependences of spin splittings on the
direction and modulus of the wave vector.
Keywords: center of symmetry, spin splitting, Kramers degeneration.