Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2011. V. 14, N 3. P. 263-268.
Diluted magnetic layered semiconductor InSe:Mn
with high Curie temperature
1I.M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 3, Krzhizhanivskogo str., 03680 Kyiv, Ukraine
We present a detailed study of layered semiconductor InSe doped with Mn. X-
ray and neutron diffraction analyses of (In,Mn)Se single crystals show the presence of a
main phase as solid solution, the second antiferromagnetic MnSe phase,
and traces of In
Se Mn In1 x x−
4 Se 3 . Magnetic measurements reveal ferromagnetic behavior of (In,Mn)Se
with the Curie temperature about 800 K. The ferromagnetic cluster model and exchange
interaction via 2D electron gas, as the reasons of spontaneous magnetization, are
discussed. The dramatic transformation of (In,Mn)Se electron spin resonance (ESR)
spectra as a function of temperature is revealed. At the magnetic field perpendicular to
crystallographic c axis, a low-field line within the temperature range 70 down to 4.7 K is
observed. It shifts to smaller magnetic fields with temperature decrease. Neutron
diffraction studies reveal the strong rise for one of the reflection peaks with temperature
decrease in the same temperature region where ESR spectra transformation occurs. This
peak corresponds to double MnSe interplanar distance in the [111] direction what is a
period of its magnetic lattice. Magnetic structure of (In,Mn)Se single crystal is discussed.
Keywords: diluted magnetic semiconductors, magnetic susceptibility, ESR spectrum.