Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2011. V. 14, N 3. P. 269-272.

Formation of silicon nanoclusters in buried ultra-thin oxide layers
O.S. Oberemok*, V.G. Litovchenko, D.V. Gamov, V.G. Popov, V.P. Melnik, O.Yo. Gudymenko, V.A. Nikirin, І.M. Khatsevich

V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 41, prospect Nauky, 03028 Kyiv, Ukraine *Phone/fax: +(38044)-525-5724, e-mail

Abstract. The peculiarities of buried layer formation obtained by co-implantation of O 2 ions with the energy of 130 keV and carbon ions within the energy range of 30-50 keV have been investigated. The corresponding ion doses for carbon and oxygen ions were equal to 2 × 16 cm-2 and 2 × 17 cm -2, respectively. It has been observed that annealing at 1150 °C results in enhanced oxygen diffusion towards the region with a maximum carbon concentration. Analysis of X-ray diffraction patterns with a SIMS depth profiles inherent to annealed samples suggests formation of Si nanoclusters in the region with maximum concentrations of carbon and oxygen vacancies. The intensive luminescence has been observed with the maximum at 600 nm, which could be associated with silicon nano-inclusions in thin stoichiometric SiO2 layer.

Keywords: silicon, nanocluster, buried layer, ion implantation, defects.

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