Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2013. V. 16, N 3. P. 246-252.
Magnetic force microscopy of YLaFeO films implanted
by high dose of nitrogen ions
Abstract. The scattering field gradient maps of surface layer magnetic domains in Y2.95La0.05Fe5O12 iron-yttrium garnet modified by high-dose ion implantation with nitrogen ions N+ were obtained by the method of magnetic force microscopy. It was found that improving the magnetic properties of thin films, which includes reducing the observed magnetic losses after high-dose implantation, is accompanied by essential ordering of magnetic domains on the surface of the implanted films. There is a direct dependence of the magnetic properties on the dose of implanted atoms, accompanied by a significant dispersion and amorphization of surface layer and formation of a clear magnetic structure. Keywords: iron-yttrium garnet, ferromagnetic resonance, epitaxial films, high-dose ion implantation, magnetic force microscopy.