Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. 2000. V. 3, N 4. P. 432-437.
PACS: 63.22, 72.20, 73.20.D
Generation of coherent confined acoustic phonons
by drifting electrons in quantum wire
A.A. Demidenko, V.A. Kochelap
Institute of Semiconductor Physics, NAS Ukraine, 45 Prospect Nauki, Kyiv, 03028, Ukraine
Abstract. We developed a quantum theory of generation of coherent confined acoustic phonons by one-dimensional electrons drifting in a quantum wire. A general formula for the factor of amplification of the phonon flux, a, is derived. When the electron drift velocity, Vd, is greater than the sound phase velocity, S, then at low temperatures the above generation occurs only in a narrow range of phonon wave vectors, q ~ 2kF[1 ± (Vd _ S)/VF], where kF (VF) is the wave vector (Fermi velocity) of one-dimensional electrons. Estimation gives for a the value of about 103cm-1 in the subTHz frequency range.
Keywords: acoustic wave localization, acoustic wave amplification, electron drift, quantum wire.
Paper received 18.02.00; revised manuscript received 13.11.00; accepted for publication 12.12.00.